Water Sports

Cat Surfing
Silder Ring
Banana Sport
Water Ski

You can visit the following site for more information: www.aquafun-watersports.de

Scuba Diving

A breath taking discovery scuba diving in Sarti. Diving Overview has a maximum diving depth of around 30m (98.4ft) and is suitable for all divers. The average visibility is 10-20 meters and access to the dive site is by boat. Ready for a new challenge? Why not open your eyes to the sights, sounds and sensations of a new exciting underwater world with discover scuba? At organized diving centers at the east coast of Sithonia the dive instructors will start with theory and the familiarization with the equipment a diver uses and then it will be time for you to dive and discover the home of exotic fishes and plants. For beginners as well for experts. Also diving courses with Padi exams are offered. Schedule: from Sarti every day at 10:00 & at 14:00 or by appointment. 

You can visit follow site for more information: www.aqualand.gr



Goa Kajak Tour

Starting from Sarti we pass part of the beautiful south coast of Sithonia. Amazing rock formations and incredibly colored waters form a breathtaking scenery. You enjoy the time paddling around, exploring, swimming, snorkeling or just laying on the beach. Among the highlights of the tour is the Goa beach with the famous Goa beach-bar, a cave where a colony of bats give a party just over your shoulders, the little rocky island , and some very interesting and beautiful rock formations along the way. Notes: No Kajak experience necessary, moderate fitness required. 






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